Dr. Larry F. Martinez is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the California State University at Long Beach. After completing his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1984, he joined the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce where he participated in developing the “rules of the road” for the first private international satellite networks. From 1987-88, he served in the U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of Commercial Space Transportation that issued the first licenses for private-commercial rocket launches. In 1988, he accepted an appointment to the Department of Political Science at the California State University, Long Beach, where as a Professor Emeritus he conducts research and lectures in the areas of international relations and law, with a research focus on cyberspace and outer space governance. In 1998-99, Martinez was a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow at the Center of Technology Assessment in Stuttgart, Germany. Research articles include, “Is There Space for the UN? Trends in Outer Space and Cyberspace Regime Evolution,” in Perspectives Online Journal published by the European Space Policy Institute (, an examination of what happens to outer space governance as space communications becomes a cyberwar battlefield for global power in the 21st Century. He lectures internationally on Internet and outer space policy and governance, including Britain, Germany, Kazakhstan, Morocco, and Ecuador. In 2007, he was a Cuesta College Honored Alumnus of the Year. Since 1992, he has served as Director of the Model United Nations Program at CSU Long Beach. Martinez is a member of the International Institute of Space Law and currently serves as the IISL Parliamentarian. In 2018, Martinez taught for Semester at Sea on the MV World Odyssey's Spring 2018 voyage from San Diego to Lisbon, Portugal through 11 countries in Asia and Africa. Martinez serves as a representative of the International Institute of Space Law at meetings of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in Vienna. In 2023, Martinez was honored to be named the CSULB Commencement Marshal for the College of Liberal Arts graduation ceremonies.
Current Projects:
Contributing Author, “Cyberspace Security in the Outer Space Legal Regime: Commercial Space Systems in the Crosshairs of International Conflict,” presented to the VIIth Space Resources Conference - Towards Artemis Generation, 23-24 May 2024, Kraków, Poland. Paper will be included in the Conference Proceedings, Springer Verlag, 2025 forthcoming.
Contributing Author, “The Greatest Transformation: How Cyber Is Defining Security in the Space Domain” to the Oxford Handbook of Space Security, Saadia M. Pekkanen and P.J. Blount (eds.) Spring 2024.
Contributing Author, “International Cooperation and Competition in Outer Space,” book chapter in Research Agenda for Space Policy, edited by Kai-Uwe Schrogl. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021
Planetary Sustainability Article: Legal regime sustainability in outer space: Theory and practice. Global Sustainability, 2, E26. doi:10.1017/sus.2019.21.
Sustainability in Outer Space: Space Debris and Congested Orbits
Cyberwar in Outer Space: The Hard and Soft International Law of Asymmetrical Conflict
Governance in the Online Age: The Disintermediation of Government and Politics (In Progress)
The Great Disruption: The End of Government (In Progress)
Cyberwar and International Law: Hacking the Legal "Rules of the Road" from Sony to the CyberCaliphate